looking for shops in kent, the heron american craft gallery is now the heron shop.

shopping in kent ct and kent ct stores, there is none better than the heron shop, formerly the heron craft gallery owned by ellen corsell. the heron shop is the perfect place for crafts near me, for unique gifts near me, for great kids toys near me, or kitchen supplies near me! Come visit the heron shop, the heron craft gallery, the heron american craft gallery!

Glass, Ceramics + Sculpture

Let the sun shine in!

Glass + Ceramics Glass + Ceramics

Glass + Ceramics Glistening, sparkling, wonderful glass. Hand-blown, hand fused, stained custom glass pieces. Find the most amazing things ever made from sand at The Heron Shop.

Glass + Ceramics These gorgeous pieces are creamers (imagine them filled with farm fresh milk) from Pinzetti Glassworks.

We have a wonderful selection of hand-thrown items

Glass + Ceramics Pots, plates, serving items, trays, cups...

Glass + Ceramics Whimsical, one of a kind pieces that you will treasure - come shop our store for yourself, and great gifts, too (if you can bring yourself to part with them)

Glass + Ceramics Come enjoy our superb selection of everything imaginable from the kiln

Small and Large - our Sculpture selection is amazing!

sculpture Pieces in metal, wood, found materials, rustic, polished, many of them exclusive to our shop...

sculpture Some of the work is goofy, some is quietly elegant, but it is up to you to decide which is which...

sculpture Take a look at these great pieces from Black Thorn Sculpture

Come see us

sculpture We're sure you'll want to take something home with you!

What have we got?


Whimsical, fun, playful, beautiful, (swell? groovy?). We have so much fun filling the shop with little joys, all so that you'll have fun visiting, shopping, hanging out...

Shop our store Come see!